

Angela Aki (アンジェラ・アキ Anjera Aki), born on 15 September 1977 in Itano, Tokushima Prefecture, Shikoku, Japan, to a Japanese father and an Italian-American mother, is a Japanese singer-songwriter. Her former Japanese real name is 安芸 聖世美 (Aki Kiyomi)

Angela Aki is completely bilingual in English and Japanese as she was raised in Japan, but moved to Hawaii at the age of fifteen where she graduated from Iolani School. From there she moved on to George Washington University where she graduated with majors in politics and music.

She originally released an indie album in the United States in 2000, called These Words, which received much critical acclaim. In 2002 she composed two tracks for "Let It Fall" by Dianne Eclar, a teenage pop singer from the Philippines. In 2005 in Japan, she released an indie mini-album under Virgo Music entitled ONE, which alerted Nobuo Uematsu to her music. Angela Aki is now signed under Sony Japan. In 2005 she was announced as the singer of the Final Fantasy XII theme song, "Kiss Me Good-Bye".

On March 9, 2007, she revealed in her official blog that she is married to a music director who has been supporting her before her debut. She also revealed that while she was in Washington D.C., she had married once before but the marriage ended in a divorce.

She is good friends with JPOP star Yuna Ito. Both singers attended the same Japanese language school.

Angela Aki is the daughter of Kiyoshi Aki, the owner/co-founder of AEON Institute of Language Education. This is one of the "Big Four" Eikaiwa (English conversation) schools in Japan.




日本とアメリカのダブルスタンダードを持つ個性派シンガーソングライター。日本人の父とイタリア系アメリカ人の母のもとに生まれ、3歳からピアノを始める。中学校卒業までを徳島県と岡山県で過ごし、15歳の時ハワイに移住、その後ワシントンD.C.に在住。2003年日本に帰国し、2005年3月、ピアノ弾き語りのミニアルバム『ONE』をインディーズよりリリース。同年9月、シングル「HOME」でメジャーデビュー。2006年1月にリリースした 2ndシングル「心の戦士」が、ノンタイアップながらスマッシュヒット。同年3月15日、『ファイナルファンタジーXII』挿入歌「Kiss Me Good-Bye」をリリース。卓越したボーカル、ダイナミックなピアノプレイで注目を集める期待のシンガーソングライターだ。


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